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about us

(actually, we’re all about you)

We look to make your business problems ours. And we work with you to create the very best solutions to address your challenges. 

But just in case you want to know who we are and how we got here, read on:

our people

Jeremy Bailey - Managing Director

Our illustrious leader and man in charge is responsible for the inception of astutetrackr: his baby. Jeremy is truly passionate about all things call tracking and data analysis – and all the benefits our services can bring. His marketing and automotive background gives him a real understanding of our clients’ challenges. When not at work, you’ll find him enjoying a nice glass (or two!) of red in some exotic location.


our story

Our original astutemetrics team started out as part of an advertising and digital marketing agency, back in 2005.


One of our clients was using a competitor platform, where call data was presented in an inflexible and difficult to interpret way. Their data often had to be taken and reformatted offline to make sense of it.


But we realised that with our understanding of marketing and our team of in‑house developers – we could do this better. So created astutetrackr


We didn’t want to just create a bland, generic ‘suits all’ platform. Our vision was to create one which had the flexibility to be bespoke for each client.


And that’s just what we’ve done. The astute metrics team and the astutetrackr platform has grown over the last 12 years – attracting new clients and evolving with each new business requirement.

To find out how we could help you

what we do

As our name suggests, we’re here to support you and your business metrics. We provide you with the tools to track and assess your marketing and sales performance.


We take data, apply our creative approach and technical expertise to help solve your problems.






We understand the technicalities of data so that you don’t have to. We simplify the facts so that you’re simply better informed.





We can work with you to evolve your version of astutetrackr: creating a bespoke platform from which you can view, analyse and export your data.


Our team has over 60 years’ automotive experience combined! So, we understand the market, your challenges and the channels.





We’re proud of the trust that our clients have in us. Your positive experience is our main aim.

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To find out how we could help you

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