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visualising data and analytics 

by mike smith 
wednesday 31 october 2018

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There is a massive amount of data flowing through businesses around the world. So much so, that it can be hard to comprehend. In the time it took to write that first sentence, over 2 million Google searches were conducted. W3C and the World Wide Web Foundation have a website that displays the active numbers of pretty much everything on the internet. 

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Now you might be asking why we have brought this up? Well its simple really, it’s the way this website visualises the entire internet’s data. It is clear, concise and updated actively. More importantly, it is accessible and easy to read even if the numbers counting up before your very eyes are mind-blowing.


It is a great example and of why data visualisation is so important to you and your business and the importance of accessibility in understanding the data. A simplified user interface that can compile everything and provide easy to understand figures visually is something that is regularly useful in meetings. In marketing, being able to go into a meeting and present visual data in an easy way can help drive forward decision making. It can also allow for the tracking of projects in progress and highlight the efficiency of a campaign or social media platforms that your company might be engaged with.




In a nutshell, time is money and the more time you spend explaining each figure and result, the less time you have to focus on making the all-important decisions faster and more efficiently. Project management and strategic planning can be stressful enough. Instead of generating reports days, weeks even months before an all-important meeting, you can now generate visual data and form analytics reports much when you require them. By creating data visuals, you can tell a story of trends, patterns, correlations and outcomes. It is both quantitative and qualitative data combined to visually represent your key objectives and performance as a story.



You might think this is a complicated process to go through but in reality, it is much simpler than you think. The main thing is to ensure that your data tracking and analytical output is all aligned. Combining all aspects into one place makes it more accessible for you and your business. Once you have a tool and metrics service specialists in place, the process will begin to yield visual patterns between operational and business activities better. You can start to identify and act on emerging trends faster and begin to foster a new business language or amend your existing one. The outcome of which would help connect with customers better and help develop your business relationships further.


astutemetrics has expertise in this area and its own bespoke platform astutetrackr to align your data and help you further develop how you maximise the impact of visualising your data and translating it into useful analytics for your business. We can guide and navigate you through all the processes involved in order to advance your current strategy. Simply get in touch with us for a chat today.

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