WLTP, why so complicated and how to stay ahead
by mike smith
tuesday 6 november 2018

September 2018 saw the second stage of the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test (WLTP) come into effect. The latest step in the rollout of WLTP means that all new cars must be certified according to WLTP test procedures. The only exception to the rule is that a limited number of unsold vehicles in stock that were approved under old NEDC testing and are end-of-series vehicles for another year are allowed to be sold.
Confusing right? This is only stage two of a 4 stage legal process to roll out WLTP testing. Stage one began in September 2017 and has already had an impact on the sales and registrations of new cars. Stage 2 is currently underway with stage (x3) rollout set to take place in January 2019. The third phase will have an impact on all cars within dealerships as they are required to have and implement WLTP-C02 values. National governments across Europe will be required to adjust vehicle taxations and fiscal incentives for WLTP values to ensure there is no negative impact on consumers.
This is a lot to take in for the automotive industry and indeed for you and your customers. There are bound to be a lot of questions about why their new car is taking longer than they expected to arrive and a much longer test time during services. Both customers and colleagues in your business are more than likely going to have lots of questions that need answering when having to deal with WLTP regulations. Especially as car dealerships still have a lot of stock to move that may or may not be WLTP compliant.
While additional staff training throughout an organisation or business is one approach, there may be a better and more efficient way to keep up with any enquiries or issues. A dedicated specialist on hand would be a more effective and efficient process for both customer and colleagues. Having a specialist individual who is constantly developing their knowledge in a changing landscape is a great solution. Someone that can be contacted directly to deal with WLTP issues in an easy way to answer everyone’s questions. Routing calls through to a dedicated person is a much more effective strategy to deal with such a complex legislative change. One that will be further complicated in the UK with ongoing Brexit negotiations possibly adding a new set of legal complications for businesses and consumers.
Implementing a call routing and tracking strategy solution could definitely help take the pressure off everyone trying to understand the regulations. It would also ensure that people can speak directly to an expert within your business who can take on and deal with any complicated WLTP enquiries.
However, you decide to tackle WLTP, it will become extremely valuable to collect call data in order to help develop business strategies going forward. Understanding the type and frequency of enquiries will help you and your dealers anticipate further concerns your customers may have regarding WLTP and its knock-on effects.
Along with collecting this data for you, astutemetrics can also help you in formulating strategies, identifying problem areas and aid preparation for further upcoming changes as Brexit gets closer and WLTP fully rolls out. Minimise the impact on your business and your customers by making sure you have a plan in place by having a chat with us today.